The Science and Technology Park, which operates as part of the NCBJ, deals with the commercialization of scientific research results and invites entrepreneurs to cooperate by jointly undertaking projects with scientists from the NCBJ. The Świerk Science and Technology Park cooperates with international research centers and one of its tasks is to provide information on tenders conducted in these research centers.

Materials Research Laboratory (LBM)
The LBM laboratory carries out both destructive and non-destructive tests in the field of broadly understood materials science. He specializes in re-testing and diagnostic tests of construction materials and their welded joints. For over 30 years, LBM has been recognized as an accredited research laboratory (AB 025) awarded by the Polish Center for Accreditation (PCA).
The key services of this laboratory include tests:
- metallography of metals and their alloys
- mechanical properties of non-irradiated and irradiated metals and their alloys at room temperature
- fracture mechanics of metals and their alloys

Laboratory of Dosimetry Measurements (LPD)
This accredited laboratory (AB567 and AP070) conducts research in the field of measurement of biological and environmental contamination as well as calibration and calibration of dosimetry equipment.
The scope of this laboratory includes the testing of samples:
- environmental,
- biological,
- technological,
- working environment

Świerk IT Center (CiŚ)
The Center provides the highest quality IT services for domestic entities related to the nuclear sector. This department designs and implements simulations of processes related to nuclear and conventional energy.
CIŚ Centrum Informatyczne Świerk (
The key services that CiŚ provides include:
- designing medical equipment,
- technical analysis in conventional energy,
- development of solutions based on artificial intelligence,
- designing HPC installations and IT infrastructure.

Department of Nuclear Equipment HITEC (ZdJ)
ZDAJ offers design, production and servicing of specialized equipment for the industrial and medical sectors.
In industrail sector thet produce LILLYPUT series linear accelerator models designed for non-destructive X-ray testing with a wide beam energy range.
The Nuclear Equipment Department offers complete, customized radiography systems. It uses various types of digital imaging detectors and dedicated manipulator systems.
In medicine HITEC Nuclear Equipment Department (ZdJ) develops devices used based on accelerators irradiating with photon and electron beams and devices cooperating with them, such as therapeutic tables. Our offer also includes cover doors adapted to all types of medical accelerator bunkers.
Our latest project in the field of medical accelerators is a device for intraoperative therapy. It is an electron accelerator with a wide spectrum of emitted radiation energies and a large range of movements in the field of work - operating field. This precise device irradiates the beds immediately after the removal of the tumor, still during the operation.

The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences conducts research on:
- basic,
- interdisciplinary,
- used.
In addition, the Institute focuses on expertise, analysis and scientific services. His clients include private clients and various other entities. This applies especially to dosimetry or radiological protection, but also to monitoring environmental contamination or nuclear methods used in exploration geophysics.
There are four laboratories with accredited methods at the Institute. The first three are research laboratories and the fourth is a measurement laboratory:
IFPiLM is a B+ category research institute. The basic organizational structure of IFPiLM is made up of scientific departments:
- Department of Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Spectroscopy
- Department of Plasma Technologies
Department of Physics and Applications of Laser Plasma
Research conducted at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion is the area that primarily covers the use of controlled nuclear fusion to generate useful (electrical) energy in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

IFPiLM acts as the Euratom-Fusion National Contact Point, whose tasks include supporting the participation of Polish research units, entrepreneurs and other entities in programs implemented by the European EUROfusion consortium and the Fusion for Energy organization (coordinating and financing the EU's participation in the international ITER project).
Extensive international cooperation of IFPiLM is manifested by the participation of Polish scientists in many European and global research programs: JET, W7-X, ASDEX, TCV, WEST, PALS, ELI, COMPASS, LHD, MAST, CFETR, JT-60SA, EAST as well as ITER and DEMO.